Saturday, January 15, 2011

Nov '10: To Grandmother's House We Go

Soeren came over for the week of Thanksgiving, and we decided to go over the river and through the woods to the Millers' house. It certainly was a houseful of relatives to meet all at once, but he was surprisingly good at remembering who-was-married-to-who and who-birthed-who. It was also his first glimpse into Amish Country, USA. We made sure to act like tourists and stop at the grocery store to snap pictures of the traditional horse and buggies. My favorite was when my grandparents pulled out the photo albums (dun dun dun....) and spent hours showing us (but mainly Soeren, because I flaked after 20 minutes) pictures from my Mom's childhood and from their numerous trips to Germany. How cute...

The week after Thanksgiving was the first office Christmas party. We had a blast and I was reminded about how much I appreciate my Pittsburgh coworkers :)

Also, I can't end this blog without a shout-out to Ms. Elliott- the best dinner party thrower I know! She invited both Soeren and myself over for an evening of wining and dining. Pure heaven- that's all that can be said!

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